PARTICIPANT INC: "robert(a) marshall: Bardo Road" - 4/18-5/23/21
[Image Description: A white wall flanks each side of the image with several artworks hanging on each wall. In the middle of the image is a long wooden floor that extends to the back of the gallery. At the back of the gallery is one large white wall that has a piece of art on it.]
robert(a) marshall, Bardo Road
Sunday, April 18 - Sunday, May 23, 2021
12 to 6pm EST
Appointments are required, book one here
The Bardo is, in the Buddhist tradition, a transitional state between incarnations. In robert(a) marshall’s work, the Bardo is a multifaceted metaphor, suggesting the period after their mother’s death, the shadowy interregnum of the Trump regime, and the isolated, suspended time of COVID. In a body of work completed before the pandemic, originally scheduled to be shown at PARTICIPANT in June 2020, they took iPhone pictures, through car windows, during travels throughout the U.S. and Mexico. These were then printed on reflective surfaces — vinyl, Mylar, Dibond. This elusive work explores the uncertain and contingent nature of perception by embodying the performative aspect of seeing.
A catalogue of the exhibition is available here.
For more information on this exhibition, please click here.