Movement Research: "Virtual Festival | GPS Chats: 'Intercambio y Cambio' (US/México)" - 4/10/21
Photo by Ian Douglas. [A woman dancer forms a pose with her left arm out and right arm over her head. She wears a brown teardrop-shaped earring, a red bracelet, a cream colored sweater, and brown pants. Behind her is a sculpture with words engraved in all caps. Some of the words read “ALL POWER IS GIVEN,” “HEAVEN AND IN EARTH,” and “THEREFORE AND TEACH ALL.”
[Virtual] Festival | GPS Chats: "Intercambio y Cambio" (US/México)
César Aragón, Levi Gonzalez, Martin Lanz Landazuri, Arely Landeros, Magdalena Leite, Aida Beatriz Pérez, Larissa Velez-Jackson
Saturday, April 10, 2021
2 to 3:30pm EST
FREE EVENT - Register Here
The [Virtual] Movement Research Festival presents a GPS Chats focusing on the Movement Research Exchange Program (MRX) with Mexico.
This will be a conversation with artists that have participated in the first exchange in 2013 and the last exchange before the pandemic hit in 2020. We'll be joined by the organizers from Mexico Laboratorio: Condensación and Segundo Piso and the conversation will be moderated by Levi Gonzalez.
These artistic exchanges between the US and Mexico have created space for a more expansive dialogue on the realities, challenges and possibilities of being a working artist within and across these two countries' borders.
Accessible PDF program to come.
GPS Chats (Mexico, USA) Accessibility Statement
At Movement Research, we are actively working to increase the accessibility of our online platforms and events content for everyone, including those whose primary language is not English. In its mission as an international platform for the exchange of ideas in different languages, GPS Chats (Mexico, USA) will provide live American Sign Language interpreters by LC Interpreting Services (USA), English to Spanish live translation by Marielys Burgos Meléndez (Puerto Rico/USA), and closed captions. In addition, an accessible PDF program in English and Spanish will be available for download prior to the event, and a video recording with subtitles in Spanish will be available post event.
En Movement Research, trabajamos activamente para aumentar la accesibilidad de nuestras plataformas en línea y contenido de eventos para todes, incluides aquelles cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés. En su misión como plataforma internacional para el intercambio de ideas en diferentes idiomas, GPS/Global Practice Sharing: GPS Chats (México, EE. UU.) proporcionará intérpretes de lenguaje de señas estadounidense en vivo por LC Interpreting Services (EE. UU.), traducción en vivo del inglés al español por Marielys Burgos Meléndez (Puerto Rico / EE. UU.) y subtítulos en inglés. Además, un programa en inglés y español en formato PDF accesible estará disponible para descargar antes del evento, y una grabación del video con subtítulos en español estará disponible después del evento.