Old Stone House & Washington Park: “Land Markings Exhibition Opening" - 8/22/21
[Image Description: A banner with a blue bar on the left and an orange bar on the right. In the middle of the banner is a crest with an Indigenous person standing on a dead white person’s body surrounded by two barrels, an eagle, the cap of a windmill, “1625,” and “Only The Strong Survive.”]
Land Markings Exhibition Opening
Sunday, August 22, 2021
3-5pm EST
Join Old Stone House & Washington Park in their Great Room for the opening reception of their latest contemporary art exhibition, Land Markings.
Curated by Katherine Gressel and RedMoon Arts, Inc., Land Markings brings together four New York based artists of Indigenous heritage: Jeremy Dennis, Dennis RedMoon Darkeem, Ella Mahoney & Natasha Smoke Santiago, who have created works commenting on the past, present and future of land use in the areas surrounding OSH.
Their work explores such topics as the acknowledgement and preservation of local Indigenous cultural sites in Brooklyn and New York State; under-recognized histories of local trade and land transfer; and land use issues facing contemporary Indigenous and other BIPOC communities.
For more information on this event, please click here.