Visual AIDS Host Ezra & Noah Benus in Conversation on their Web Exhibition: An Army of the Sick Can't Be Defeated: Reflections on Care Work in Perpetual Sick Times, 4/15
An Army Of The Sick Can't Be Defeated, 2020. Ezra and Noah Benus. Digital photographs, part of ongoing series. [Image Description: Two images formatted the same with different text on the two blue face masks centered in frame, arranged like a blue equal sign on a pale-yellow background. The masks each have a red typed messaged on the fabric. Masks read “networks of care CAN and SHOULD be contagious,” and “illness finds us all but care unfortunately does not”.]
Join artists Ezra and Noah Benus for an Instagram Live conversation about their web gallery "An Army of the Sick Can't Be Defeated: Reflections on Care Work in Perpetual Sick Times." The gallery features a selection of artwork by HIV+ artists from the Visual AIDS Artist+ Registry, curated through the lens of disability justice and caretaking. Their reflections remind us that as a society we need to center and learn from sick and disabled communities not only during times of widespread illness but as an unwavering constant. We invite audience members to submit questions throughout their live conversation. Find out more and visit Visual Aids here.