El Museo del Barrio: "La Trienal Talks – FORM" - 6/23/21
[Image Description: An image of an exhibition in a white-walled gallery space flanked by a marigold border. In the middle of the image a multi-colored textile piece hangs from the ceiling and on the floor to the right of the image is a sculpture shaped like a triangle.]
La Trienal Talks – FORM
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
6-7pm EST
Register Here
With their works installed within the same gallery as part of ESTAMOS BIEN – LA TRIENAL 20/21, artists Eddie R. Aparicio, Yanira Collado, and Manuela González bring their artistic dialogue to life in a conversation moderated by El Museo’s Chief Curator, Rodrigo Moura. Centered on ideas of form and abstraction, the talk will examine the infusion of vernacular, indigenous, and other non-Eurocentric visual codes in these artists’ interdisciplinary practices, processes, and materials.
For more information on this event, please click here.