Film Anthology Archive Announce Online Programming
[Image Description: Film still from Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s EARTH documentary, this image shows an industrial landscape surrounded by countryside, a steam stack is spewing smoke into the cloudy sky.]
Online Programming:
We’ve been working hard during our closure to provide online access to selections from our spring programming. This week we have several new items to announce, with more coming up next month!
To celebrate Earth Day, Anthology joins forces with KimStim to present a special streaming engagement of Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s EARTH (2019, 115 min). Anthology hosted the NYC theatrical premiere engagement of EARTH this past January, and we’re pleased to co-present these encore virtual screenings during our closure. A film that is eminently timely, while avoiding the familiar rhetorical devices and uninspired formal qualities of more run-of-the-mill “social issues” docs, EARTH casts its glance widely (from California and Alberta to Austria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Germany) to depict the myriad of ways that human beings across the globe transform their natural environments. EARTH will be available for rental – at a cost of $12 for a 72-hour streaming period – through the end of April. Click here to rent the film.
Jonas Mekas’s WALDEN and LOST LOST LOST are now available for online rental via Kino Lorber’s “Kino Marquee” service. The films can be streamed for $9.00 each, with 50% of the rental income going to Anthology, to help us weather our closure. To access both films, click here.
Meanwhile, we continue to feature several Jonas Mekas films on our Vimeo page, for viewing free of charge!: SELF-PORTRAIT (1980, 20 min), RE: MACIUNAS AND FLUXUS (2011, 93 min), and KEEP SINGING (2011, 82 min).
In cooperation with the German film distribution and production company Filmgalerie 451, the Goethe-Institut is launching an online streaming program called Goethe on Demand. As part of this initiative, Anthology will be showcasing several films for our audiences over the next 6 weeks (free of charge!), starting with cult German filmmaker Roland Klick’s SUPERMARKET (1973, 84 min).
One of the most indelible crime films of 1970s German cinema, SUPERMARKET ticks off most of the boxes of the genre – a loner protagonist, grimy urban underworld milieu, shady partner, good-hearted prostitute, and one-and-done heist. But thanks to its extraordinary location shooting – in Klick’s hands the teeming streets, shabby nightclubs, dilapidated train stations, and abandoned industrial buildings of 1970s Hamburg take center stage – and its clear-eyed perception of the factors that allow its young protagonist to fall through the cracks, SUPERMARKET manages to be both a pulse-quickening crime film and an unsparing depiction of social and cultural dysfunction.
As a special bonus, Goethe on Demand is also featuring Klick’s early short film, LUDWIG (1964, 16 min), starring the great German actor Otto Sander (in his screen debut), as well as a documentary about the filmmaker, ROLAND KLICK – THE HEART IS A HUNGRY HUNTER(Sandra Prechtel, 2013, 80 min).
Anthology will co-present the Roland Klick films for the next two weeks. To access them, click on the following links: LUDWIG / SUPERMARKET / ROLAND KLICK. And to receive your password/promo code, RSVP to
Thanks to COVID-19, our film series “Cinema Year Zero” has been postponed. However, two highlights from the series – Alain Resnais’s NIGHT AND FOG and Roberto Rossellini’s GERMANY YEAR ZERO – are available to stream via the Criterion Channel. If you’re a subscriber to the Criterion Channel, you can get a sneak preview of the series there; and if you’re not a subscriber but are a Member of Anthology, see below for details about a special deal from Criterion.
Thanks to our colleagues at Icarus Films (the movie’s U.S. distributor), Thomas Heise’s HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME is available for streaming for a limited period. The cost is $9.99, and 50% of the proceeds go to Anthology. Click here to rent the film now! In addition, Thomas Heise joined us for a video-chat Q&A on Sunday, April 5 (moderated by Film Programmer Nellie Killian), and a recording of that conversation is now available here.