Artists Space Present a Virtual Reading by Frederic Tuten and Vi Khi Nao 4/18
[A white poster giving information about a virtual reading event. There are overlaid gray and white images of a statue of an angel with a sword, and two figures in beak masks. Orange texts reads “Frederic Tuten/Vi Khi Nat/Virtual Reading/18 April 2020/5:00 PM E.T./Artists Space x Segue Series/Zoom Meeting ID 378 232 576]
Please join Artists Space for a reading by Frederic Tuten and Vi Khi Nao this Saturday, April 18 at 5pm. The Segue Reading Series and Artists Space take an unprecedented step in a precarious time, as the two New York arts organizations collaborate to present the Segue Reading Series, live online, on Saturdays at 5pm beginning April 4th.
Segue and Artists Space want collectively to affirm our longstanding commitments to the necessity of artistic work that interrogates and challenges the world as such in addition to ways of expansively sharing space. Each week's reading will be streamed through Zoom, and Segue and Artists Space will announce each week's reading across our social media platforms. To attend the reading, simply click on the link above during the allotted time. All those with access to a computer, smartphone, or tablet will be able to join the Reading via Zoom.
Frederic Tuten is the author of five novels, among them Tintin in the New World, The Adventures of Mao on the Long March, Van Gogh’s Bad Cafe, as well as a book of short stories, Self Portraits: Fictions. His most recent book is a memoir, My Young Life.
18 April 2020/5:00 PM E.T./Artists Space x Segue Series/Zoom Meeting ID 378 232 576
VI KHI NAO is the author of four poetry collections: Human Tetris (11:11 Press, 2019), Sheep Machine (Black Sun Lit, 2018), Umbilical Hospital (Press 1913, 2017), The Old Philosopher (winner of the Nightboat Prize for 2014), & of the short stories collection, A Brief Alphabet of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2's Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize), the novel, Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press, 2016). Her work includes poetry, fiction, film and cross-genre collaboration. She was the Fall 2019 fellow at the Black Mountain Institute.
Program support for Artists Space is provided by The Friends of Artists Space, Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, May and Samuel Rudin Foundation, Atelier4, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.